Do Pearly Penile Papules
Go Away Naturally?

Do Pearly Penile Papules Go Away Naturally?

Pearly penile papules (PPP) are small, harmless bumps that appear on the head of the penis in many men. These bumps can cause anxiety and worry, leading many men to wonder if they will go away on their own or if treatment is necessary. In this post, we will answer the question, "Do pearly penile papules go away?"

The short answer is no, pearly penile papules do not go away on their own. Once they develop, they tend to be a permanent feature of the penis. However, this does not mean that they are a cause for concern. PPP are a benign condition that does not cause any health problems and does not require treatment.

PPP are not contagious or sexually transmitted, and they are not a sign of an underlying health condition. They are a normal variation of the penile skin and are harmless. Many men with PPP choose to leave them untreated because they do not cause any discomfort or affect sexual function. In fact, some men find them aesthetically pleasing.

Do PPP Go Away?

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Treatment Options for PPP

While PPP do not go away on their own, there are several treatment options available for those who wish to have them removed. It is important to note that treatment is not necessary and should only be considered if the bumps are causing significant distress or affecting sexual function.

One common treatment option is carbon dioxide laser therapy. This involves using a laser to remove the bumps, which is done under local anesthesia. Another option is electrosurgery, which involves using an electric current to remove the bumps. Both of these treatments are effective but may leave scarring, so it is important to discuss the risks and benefits with a healthcare provider.

​Do Pearly Penile Papules Go Away

Other treatment options include cryotherapy, which involves freezing the bumps with liquid nitrogen, and excision surgery, which involves removing the bumps with a scalpel. 

These treatments are generally reserved for severe cases or when other treatments have failed.

It is important to note that while treatment may remove the bumps, it does not prevent them from returning. 

PPP may develop again in the same or different areas of the penis, although this is not always the case. In some men, PPP may be a lifelong condition that does not require treatment.

In summary, pearly penile papules do not go away on their own, but they are a harmless condition that does not require treatment. While treatment options are available, they should only be considered if the bumps are causing significant distress or affecting sexual function. 

It is important for men to discuss any concerns with a healthcare provider, who can provide guidance and recommendations based on individual needs and preferences.

You can also read my article; Is it normal to have penile papules

Reasons Why PPP Don't Go Away Naturally

PPPs are believed to be caused by overgrowth of the skin's oil glands, which can lead to the formation of small, raised bumps. 

While some people may notice a reduction in the size and number of PPPs over time, they typically do not go away on their own.

The reason PPPs do not go away naturally is that they are a structural change in the skin of the penis, and the skin cells that make up the bumps do not have a natural mechanism to dissolve or disappear. 

Therefore, even if the oil glands stop overproducing oil, the papules may still remain on the skin. 

While there are some treatment options available, such as laser therapy or cryotherapy, it is important to note that these procedures may carry some risks and should only be performed by a qualified medical professional.